inclusion Nov 19, 2021
One thing we can all agree on is that exclusion, racism, and discrimination are alive and growing. It is a crises in this country that none of us can ignore. We have all seen or experienced enough human atrocities and crises that have shaken us to the very core of our being. The question becomes; why does it keep happening?
Do Crises Change Our Future? 
Unfortunately, the problem with most crises is that they slowly dissipate and for the majority of us, life goes back to normal.  The crises becomes a memory or a paragraph that is written in our history. However, many times it fails to transform into a heart-felt cause that definitively changes the trajectory of our future.
Inclusion is Not a Trend
The need for inclusion can no longer be a trend that resurfaces temporarily because of a crisis. It can no longer be part of our history that many people can’t seem to learn from. We all have to join together to pursue the kind of authentic transformation, that not only focuses on getting to the root of what causes these dehumanizing injustices, but stops the destruction of the heart, soul, and lives of the people who initiate them and those who are the target of them.  We all have to keep in mind the staunch reality; what hurts one of us, hurts all of us. 
Stop for a Few Minutes
The real momentum for permanent change is often not the result of a crisis but when everyone makes a concerted effort to daily include those in our neighborhoods and communities. As Thanksgiving nears and we enter into the holiday season, I hope each of us think about the need we all have for inclusion. The need to feel included is especially felt around the holidays when many people don’t have a place to go or family to be with. Look at what you can do for your neighbor or fellow worker. Possibly it is a family in your child’s school that can’t afford gifts for the holiday much less to heat their home or put food on the table.  Stop for a few minutes from grocery shopping, baking the turkey, or taking advantage of the black Friday sales. Take a look around you and become aware of the many ways and opportunities we all have to daily, “Do SOMETHING to include SOMEBODY.” 
Inclusion is about making ourselves and others feel seen, heard, and validated. It can be as small as smiling at someone, writing a positive text to a friend, or bringing a cup of coffee to your co-worker in the morning. Whatever it is, make it a goal that every day you will begin to: “Do SOMETHING to include SOMEBODY.” The largest momentum for change often does not come from a crisis, but by the daily efforts of a few people that multiply into permanent change in the hearts of many! So start today and make it a goal everyday to....Do SOMETHING to Include SOMEBODY!

All proceeds from the Include ME! book and donations will go toward our mission of promoting inclusion. Click below to purchase the book.